About Us

EquaLearn tutoring is often set up through partnerships with other organizations or community associations. However, independent tutoring is also offered. To qualify for the EquaTutor Program, the student must satisfy the eligibility requirements detailed below.

Our Story

All three of EquaLearn’s original founders were either first or second generation immigrants. As such, they all have a personal understanding of the difficulties that new immigrants or refugees to Canada may face. Moving to a new country in search of a better lifestyle or greater opportunities often comes with both economic and social challenges. In particular, challenges such as a new language or a new culture can be serious obstacles to a child’s educational experience. Knowing the wide-ranging importance of education, the three founders of EquaLearn were brought together by their interest in eliminating these educational barriers as much as possible.

Our Mission


EquaLearn’s mission is to provide children from low-income families with the best possible learning environment.


EquaLearn envisions a future where every child has an equal chance at the best education.

Our Values

Core Values

  1. EquaLearn aims to help children from low-income families build a learning environment that builds up their potential for success.
  2. EquaLearn prioritizes the involvement of youth to help other youth in their community. In this way, we strive to show young individuals the many ways their actions can positively impact society and influence it for the better.
  3. EquaLearn’s members are unified under the belief that children should be given equal opportunities to a good education regardless of financial standing, gender, race, ethnicity, or other such factors.